Customer Service Representative
Hard to believe, but another year has come and gone, and with it, we have seen numerous changes.
Our continued work with 3D Pets in New Jersey has enabled us to provide prosthetic devices for dogs missing their entire front leg – something we were never able to do before. Previously if a dog was missing an entire front leg, we did not have a good way to attach the device to the dog. Now, with the use of a 3D printed vest to which the prosthetic leg is attached, we can give those dogs a new life of freedom. It’s a wonderful feeling to watch these dogs take off for the very first time with their new leg.
Our co-founder, Jim, had a new adventure this year when he traveled to Sri Lanka to provide a prosthetic device to a 12-year-old Asian elephant, Namal, that was missing part of its left rear leg. It was quite an adventure for Jim and a fascinating experience. We learned a lot by meeting Namal in person and are working on version 2.0 of her prosthetic.
Many of you are familiar with our television series, Second Chance Pets, which airs on the Fox network and is still being shown in reruns. It was so well received that viewers wrote in clamoring for more. In response to their voices, we wrapped up another season of filming which should air in January. Be sure to check your local cable programming for airing dates and times, and thanks to all those viewers who support our show.
It’s been about five years that our blog has been in existence and during that time, I have covered lots of topics about not only braces, but also living a happier, healthier life with your dog. We have taken the most pertinent topics and popular blogs and gathered them together in a book, Help Your Pet Live a Happier Life… Even with a Brace.
Some of the biggest news to come this year is our co-founder and leader, Jim Alaimo, has decided to take the plunge and retire. As of December 31, 2023, he will hand over the reins of My Pet’s Brace to Clayton Blunk and Anna Spangler, two employees who have been with us for many years. Jim believes that My Pet’s Brace will continue to flourish and grow under their competent hands, and they will continue to provide the knowledgeable, caring service that our customers have grown to know and expect.
We wish Jim all the best as he embarks on this new chapter of his life. He has earned the right to sit back and relax, although we all know he will not be relaxing. He will be enjoying his days fishing, golfing, woodworking, completing home projects, and traveling. Enjoy the fruits of your labor, Jim, you have certainly earned it. We will miss you greatly!
Finally, we would like to take this time, as we usually do, to thank all the thousands of clients who entrust their pets to us. Likewise, we would like to thank all the veterinarians who refer their clients to our care and believe we provide a valuable service in the care of orthopedic injuries. We are very pleased to be able to offer conservative management solutions to families and their pets. We do not take our responsibility lightly and strive each and every day to provide the most knowledgeable and kindest care possible along with excellent customer service to the creatures that pass through our doors. We take your pet’s care very seriously and are proud to be able to serve you and your pet.
As we look forward to the new year, we don’t know what new challenges or adventures we will face, but we do know we will continue to provide the best service and products possible. We will be here to answer your questions and to do whatever we can to help you and your pet to have a happier, healthier life.
Wishing each and every one of you a happy, healthy, and wonderful New Year. May all your pets stay well!