Picture of Anna Spanglr

Anna Spanglr

Marketing Director & Co-Owner

Case Report: Loretta - Llama Missing Rear Left Leg 1Patient: Loretta is a 7-month-old, llama

Diagnosis: Missing left rear leg

Type Of Device: Rear left prosthesis

Case Report: Loretta was taken in by the Southwest Llama Rescue in Kerrville, Texas as a newborn baby. Her mother had rejected her. A constricted tendon in Loretta’s left rear leg made her hold her hoof up to her belly and prevented her from extending her leg. The rescue bottle fed her and provided her with 24-hour care to ensure her survival.

After multiple veterinary consultations and several weeks of splinting the leg, it was recommended the rescue move forward with a partial amputation at the hock. The extension in the leg was not improving and her right rear leg was starting to collapse from overcompensation.

Loretta underwent amputation surgery in December of 2022 at 3.5 months old. Most of the leg was saved to provide as much suspension as possible for a future prosthetic device. The rescue reached out and partnered with My Pet’s Brace in Texas for Loretta’s new leg.

Chris, practitioner and owner at our Texas facility, evaluated Loretta. Chris took a cast of her leg, designed and built the prosthesis, and fitted the device earlier this May.

Loretta adjusted quickly to her new leg. Her topline and hips are now straight and her weight is balanced between her two rear legs. She was quick on three legs. With four, she’s even faster! As she matures, she will need a new device to accommodate changes to her stump as well as her additional weight and height. We’re so proud of Loretta and look forward to continuing to help her as she grows.