Anna Spangler
Marketing Director & Co-Owner
The Patient
Khloe is a 10-year-old, 85-pound German Shepherd dog with bilateral canine carpal hyperextension
Type of Device
Non-jointed carpal braces
Case Report
Khloe was playing with their new puppy when she hyperextended her left carpal. Her veterinarian secured the leg in a splint. During one of her re-splinting appointments at their vet, Khloe jumped out of their vehicle and hyperextended the right, non-splinted carpal.
Khloe’s family was very distressed and didn’t want her to live in pain for the rest of her life. They did not wish to pursue surgery due to Khloe’s age, severe hip arthritis, and the lengthy surgical recovery time. Their veterinarian recommended custom braces as a long-term treatment for the dog’s carpal hyperextension.
My Pet’s Brace fabricated two non-jointed carpal braces for Khloe. She wears the braces 10-12 hours every day for constant protection. The carpal braces support her legs in a corrected position, making it comfortable for her to walk and play. They also prevent contracture and further deterioration of the joints.
Follow-Ups: Her family said, “We now walk at least 2 miles daily. We went to the beach in September. She is running and playing with other dogs again. She is doing things I never could have imagined.”
Custom braces as a treatment for carpal hyperextension in dogs is an affordable and non-invasive option that can help your pet regain lost mobility. To learn more about our custom brace process, contact one of our experts today!