Whether you work in the veterinary industry, have an injured pet of your own, or simply love reading about pets who got a second chance for a higher quality of life, you’re sure to get hooked reading our animal and pet care blog. Find tips, success stories, and veterinary case studies in our articles below!
Patient: Scout is a 5-year-old, 35-pound Labrador Retriever mixDiagnosis: Tripod with severe arthritis in her remaining elbowType of Device: Jointed elbow braceCase Study: Scout was rescued when she was three…
Helping your once young dog cope with their senior years can be a challenging as well as a rewarding part of pet ownership. Senior dogs may move slower, but they…
Patient: Paddington Bear is a 2-year-old, 11-pound Coton de TulearDiagnosis: Missing both front paws Type of Device: Two ProsthesesCase Study: Paddington Bear was rescued after sustaining frost bite on both…
Obesity is a national problem in our country. Since pets tend to mirror their owners, obesity, unfortunately, is a national problem among our pets, too. Just as obesity causes health…
Patient: Miley is a 10-year-old, 66-pound American Bulldog Diagnosis: Bilateral Achilles tendon ruptures Type of Brace: Non-jointed left hock brace and a jointed right hock brace Case Study: In February of…
Although dogs have shared their lives with us for over 10,000 years, they still are driven by some basic instincts. One of those instincts is not showing pain. In the wild,…
Patient: Sergio is a 3-year-old, 160-pound Bullmastiff Diagnosis: Right hind CCL tear Type of Brace: Stifle brace with flexible inner liner and a lateral metal joint Case Study: In January of…
Inspiring Hope With Our Pet Care Blog
There is hope for pets who have experienced debilitating leg injuries or who have injured their leg. Dog leg braces are an affordable, non-invasive, non-surgical option that can help get your pet back to taking walks, swimming, and playing. Prosthetics may even help your three-legged friend run and play fetch again. We hope you find the inspiration and encouragement you’re looking for on our animal blog, and that our content helps you to give your beloved pets the best quality of life possible.
Talk with a My Pet’s Brace expert to discuss your pet’s needs.