Terry Lackmeyer
Customer Service Representative
Arrivederci… Bon Voyage… Goodbye 2020!
Finally, 2020 will soon be in the books! I don’t think anyone will be sorry to bid this year a not so fond goodbye. The previously foreign term of social distancing is now part of our daily vocabulary and masks have become a fashion accessory. Curbside appointments are now the norm and telemedicine appointments are the latest ways to visit your doctor or veterinarian.
Like everyone else, My Pet’s Brace has had to adapt procedures to keep both clients and employees safe while still providing the same thorough and comprehensive services to our patients to help with their orthopedic issues. Our Morgantown facility and fabrication center implemented curbside appointments, and the completed brace is shipped to clients’ homes. After a brief hiatus in the spring, our Pittsburgh location continues to see patients with extra safety protocols in place.
As always, we are here if any of our patients or referring veterinarians have questions or concerns. We are a phone call, text, email, virtual meeting, or appointment away.
As the year ends, despite all the challenges and turmoil, let us take a few moments to focus on the positive. While we have had to spend far more hours at home than we ever imagined, our pets have welcomed all the time we have shared with them. They may not make the best office mates, but their comic relief during these trying times often have brought much needed laughter and smiles to an otherwise humorless situation. Because we are spending much more time at home, shelters and rescue groups have reached an all-time low with available adoptees and that’s great news.
Hopefully, the new year will bring much needed changes – a vaccine will prove effective, the pandemic will subside, and life will return to normal… eventually. Even if we cannot hug each other, we can always hug our pets. Studies have proven that just stroking our pets reduces stress and anxiety and helps to lower blood pressure.
So, when the new normal makes you want to pull out your hair, hug your dog, cuddle your cat, enjoy being able to spend extra time with your furry friends. Both you and your pet will reap positive benefits from the interactions which will go a long way toward living happier healthier lives.
Wishing everyone a safe, happy, and healthy new year!