How To Clean & Maintain a Dog Leg Brace
By: Terry Lackmeyer, My Pet’s Brace Customer Service Representative
While dog leg braces are very sturdy and durable, they still require some basic maintenance to keep them in good working order.…
By: Terry Lackmeyer, My Pet’s Brace Customer Service Representative
While dog leg braces are very sturdy and durable, they still require some basic maintenance to keep them in good working order.…
By: Terry Lackmeyer, My Pet’s Brace Customer Service Representative
While water and oil may not mix, water and our braces do not have that same problem. All of our braces are completely…
By: Terry Lackmeyer, My Pet’s Brace Customer Service Representative
Cranial cruciate ligament injuries (ACL/CCL) are one of the most common orthopedic injuries in dogs. For this injury, veterinarian and rehabilitation professionals…