Learn how to put a dog leg brace on with our fitting videos. We’ll show you the process step by step so your pet’s brace is worn properly. A proper fit ensures your pet is comfortable and the healing process is supported.

Knee Brace Fitting Tutorial

Knee Brace Fitting Tutorial - Extended Suspension Sleeve

Knee Brace Fitting Tutorial - Extended Suspension Sleeve on a Bulldog

Hock Brace Fitting Tutorial

Carpal Brace Fitting Tutorial

It’s important to follow the break-in period protocol so your pet’s skin can adjust to wearing a custom brace. During the initial break-in period, activity levels should be kept short. The length of time your pet wears the brace can slowly be increased as they become used to it. Most pets build up to wearing their brace all day. Remove the brace at night when they are resting.

Get the process of making a custom pet brace started today by contacting us or talking to your vet or pet rehab specialist about the pros of pet braces for your dog’s condition.