Anna Spangler
Marketing Director & Co-Owner
Patient: Abby Rose is an 8-year-old, 27-pound Shetland Sheepdog
Diagnosis: Plantar ligament rupture with likely rupture of collateral ligaments
Type Of Device: Non-jointed hock brace
Case Report: Abby Rose was outside, playing with another dog when she injured her left rear leg and started limping. Her veterinarian diagnosed her with a plantar ligament rupture with a likely rupture of her collateral ligaments. She presented with a collapsed and unstable tarsus.
Her family wanted to avoid surgery and opted to try a fiberglass splint as well as a soft splint. Unfortunately, neither stayed in place properly nor provided the support her hock needed.
Her veterinarian recommended Abby Rose be fitted with a custom hock brace from My Pet’s Brace. We fabricated a non-jointed hock brace to hold the leg in proper alignment. She wore the brace for six months for approximately five hours a day. Now she only uses the brace when outside.
Abby Rose loves playing with her siblings and being the neighborhood watch dog. Her family said, “Before getting her brace, Abby was unable to jump on the couch and onto the cat tree house where she loves watching traffic. The brace has given Abby Rose the support and strength she needs to be an active Sheltie again.”